Retailer fined for misleading consumers (02.09.2022)
 Posted on : Sep 3, 2022, 11:24AM   16 total views  Category : Local News

BY James Kon

A local retail company was issued a BND500 compound fine by the Department of Economic Planning and Statistics (DEPS) under the Ministry of Finance and Economy for violating the Price Control Act, Chapter 142.


According to a statement from DEPS, an inspection by the Consumer Affairs Department found the retailer infringing the order by displaying the price of goods inconsistent with the actual price consumers had to pay upon purchase, said the department.


Businesses are advised to comply with the Price Control Act, Chapter 142 and be mindful in ensuring fair and ethical business practices which include displaying price information clearly and accurately. For complaints, contact DEPS via Darussalam Line 123, PenggunaBijak app or e-mail to or with supporting documents such as receipts and photos as proof.


-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin