Shop till you drop as Brunei Salebration makes comeback (21.10.2022)
 Posted on : Oct 22, 2022, 11:43AM   25 total views  Category : Local News

BY Fadley Faisal

Home bound holiday shoppers need not fret, as Brunei Salebration 2022 is making a comeback with the theme ‘Shop in Brunei’.


The Department of Economic Planning and Statistics of the Ministry of Finance and Economy’s (DEPS) Department of Consumer Affairs is coordinating the sale season which will be held from November 28, 2022 to January 31, 2023.


The DEPS encourages businesses to participate by offering discounts to promote domestic consumption, stimulate economic activities, attract shoppers as well as establish Brunei as a shopping destination.


The public will be able to see participants of the seasonal sale on a list which will be published on the PenggunaBijak app.


Participants are reminded to display prices and discounts clearly for the ease of shoppers and ensure price integrity.


The department’s sale notice are also to be displayed in a visible manner on their premises and conduct ethical business practices which will invoke consumer confidence and business credibility.


Business owners wishing to participate in the Salebration may forward sale notice forms from now until November 20.


-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin