Brunei Mix Squad leave for APFT tournament in Vietnam (04.11.2022)
 Posted on : Nov 5, 2022, 11:24AM   41 total views  Category : Sports

BY Lyna Mohamad

Team Brunei Mix Squad, who will represent the Sultanate at the Asia Pacific Football Tournament (APFT) Saigon Vietnam 7’S 2022 Tournament, left the country on Thursday.


The Brunei team led by manager Takong bin Amin will compete in the Supermasters Division today to qualify for the Cup tournament tomorrow.


According to a spokesperson for the team, the team is mostly comprised of former national team players including former Tebuan captain Liew Chuan Fue, who was also the team captain when Brunei made history by winning the Malaysian League cup for the first time in 1999.


He added that prior to leaving the country for the game, the team engaged in friendly matches as a warm-up in preparation of the tournament.


-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin