In the Courts (2022): Company fined for offences under TAP law (16.11.2022)
 Posted on : Nov 17, 2022, 1:04PM   36 total views  Category : Local News

Employees Trust Fund (TAP) has taken legal action against a company for failing to pay employees’ contribution and register one of its employees according to Section 23, Chapter 167 of the Employee Trust Act and Section 26 of the Supplemental Contributory Pensions Trust Order, 2009.


The prosecution of the case held at the Magistrate’s Court in Bandar Seri Begawan was conducted by TAP’s prosecuting officers Linda binti Arman Michael Anniah and Husraime bin Hussin.


The company represented by its director pleaded guilty to four charges for failing to pay its employees’ TAP and Supplementary Contributory Pension (SCP) contributions and failing to register one of its employees to TAP and SCP schemes.


The court sentenced the company to pay a total fine of BND5,000 and to pay all arrears of contribution together with dividend by March 2023.


Under Section 26, Chapter 167 of the Employee Trust Act and Section 29 of the Supplemental Contributory Pensions Trust Order, 2009, employers found guilty in breach of the law are liable to a fine not exceeding BND3,000 for the first offence, and a fine not exceeding BND10,000 for the second and subsequent offences.


TAP advised employers to abide by the law and make their TAP and SCP contributions on time before 15th of the preceding month to avoid late charges.


This is to safeguard its members’ welfare and ensure that employers adhere to the law.


--- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin