Tourism regulator issues warning to unlicensed service providers (05.03.2023)
 Posted on : Mar 6, 2023, 11:02AM   45 total views  Category : Local News

BY James Kon

The Tourism Development Department, as the regulator of travel agents in the Sultanate, said on Sunday that in light of public complaints on tourism activities by unlicensed companies offering services within and outside the country, including umrah and haj packages, any company or individuals carrying out tourism activities without valid licences is a violation under Section 11(1), Chapter 239 of the Tourism Act.


Those found guilty can face a fine not exceeding BND10,000, imprisonment not exceeding two years, or both. For subsequent violations, a maximum fine of BND100 is levied for each day of violation, said the department in a statement.

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-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin