Intending pilgrims attend pre-departure briefing (21.05.2023)
 Posted on : May 22, 2023, 11:35AM   23 total views  Category : Local News

BY Rokiah Mahmud

Some 746 intending haj pilgrims under Darussalam Services Sendirian Berhad (DSSB) attended a pre-departure briefing at the International Convention Centre (ICC), Berakas on Sunday.


The briefing focussed on what is to be expected for the intending haj pilgrims before departing Brunei for Saudi Arabia, during the month-long season as well as to prepare their haj knowledge, before departure and during their stay in Saudi Arabia.


The briefing also included DSSB’s logistics and management, as well as what pilgrims can expect while in Madinah and Makkah.

Read more here


-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin