Registration open for Olympic Day run (08.06.2023)
 Posted on : Jun 9, 2023, 11:17AM   41 total views  Category : Local News

The world will come together to celebrate the International Olympic Day with this year’s theme ‘Stay healthy, stay strong, stay active with the Olympic spirit’ on June 23.


To mark the occasion, the Brunei Darussalam National Olympic Council (BDNOC) together with Department of Youth and Sport, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports will organise an Olympic Day Run 2023 to bring people of all ages and abilities to participate in physical activity.


The event aims to promote the role of sports in building a peaceful and better world through a run by engaging in physical activities, promoting Olympic values and bringing together athletes and sports enthusiasts to celebrate the power of sport.

Read more here


-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin