Stakeholders rattled by higher excise duties on plastic (21.06.2023)
 Posted on : Jun 22, 2023, 12:53PM   54 total views  Category : Local News

BY Adib Noor

The cost of takeaway food, shopping, and the operations of home businesses and food stall owners have been impacted with taxes on plastics, which include products in all primary forms, plastic bags, and disposable food containers.


The items have been subjected to a BND5 per kilogramme excise tax with the recent update to Customs import and excise duties by the Ministry of Finance and Economy, which came into effect on May 17, replacing the previous three-per-cent tax.


A sales representative of a plastic and container store said the establishment recently adjusted the prices of plastic bags. The store plans to introduce new pricing for different items gradually, beginning with plastic bags and progressing to plastic containers and other related products.

Read more here


-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin