Team Raja Kerbau dominates podium in Belait RC boat tourney (28.08.2023)
 Posted on : Aug 29, 2023, 12:40PM   27 total views  Category : Sports

Faiz Aji from Team Raja Kerbau won both the Class A and Class D categories in the RC Boat Race Tournament organised by the Belait RC Boat Team at Anduki Recreational Park on Sunday. Meanwhile, Salman from Team DTJRC won the Class B category, Popeye from Team Raja Kerbau won the Class E category, and Amin Aji and Mateen, both from Team Raja Kerbau, won the Class F and Class G categories.


The Class H category was won by Faez KB from BRCB. Over 37 radio-controlled (RC) boat racers gathered at the Anduki Recreational Park to compete in the tournament.

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-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin