Brunei Go players make their mark in South Korea (07.09.2023)
 Posted on : Sep 8, 2023, 11:07AM   17 total views  Category : Sports

Brunei Darussalam Go players Wong Hui Xin and Leader Chin Sin Voon participated in the Korea Prime Minister Cup International Baduk Championship at the Bitgoeul Gymnasium, Gwangju in South Korea recently.


Fourteen-year-old Wong finished in 52nd with two wins and five losses while Chin managed to grab second place and received special prize in the side event of humans versus artificial intelligence (AI) event. Chin said, “This is the first time that Hui Xin participated in the World Amateur Go Championship. Despite lacking experience, she never gave up and worked hard to learn and improve.”


Wong shared that the competition has broadened her horizons and improved her confidence.

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-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin