ABCi appoints government officers to enforce Building Control Order (24.09.2023)
 Posted on : Sep 25, 2023, 11:39AM   51 total views  Category : Local News

A number of personnel from district offices, municipal departments and the Housing Development Department have been given authority to enforce parts of the Building Control Order 2014 (BCO) in a handover ceremony on Saturday.


The Authority on Building Control and Construction Industry (ABCi) said the delegation of powers allows appointed municipal and district office personnel to enforce Section 57 of the BCO, which mandates owners and occupiers of commercial buildings to maintain cleanliness in public areas.


Appointed officers from the Housing Development Department will also be able to enforce Section 24 of the Order which addresses building works, including extension or refurbishment, without approval or permit and Section 57 for housing areas.

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-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin