Brunei women’s tennis team record maiden victory in Billie Jean King Cup (23.10.2023)
 Posted on : Oct 24, 2023, 12:34PM   20 total views  Category : Sports

Brunei Darussalam’s national women’s tennis team marked a new milestone after winning their first-ever match in the highly-prestigious 2023 Billie Jean King Cup Asia/Oceania Zone Group III at the Bahrain Polytechnic in Isa Town, Bahrain recently.


The women team comprising Chong Ming Rui, Tan Jia Hui and Adriana Sim beat Tajikistan 3-0 to finish third in the four-team group.


The team exacted redemption having been on the receiving end during their tie against the same opponents the previous year.


Brunei national team captain Billy Wong said, “The girls played very well, they implemented and stuck to their game plan.”

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-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin