Brunei Spartan racing star secures podium finish (29.10.2023)
 Posted on : Oct 30, 2023, 11:24AM   19 total views  Category : Sports

Brunei Darussalam’s new Spartan racing star Noraiman Streaker announced his arrival in the regional circuit in style after securing bronze in the Spartan Kuala Lumpur 2023 at Gamuda Cove in Malaysia on Sunday.


Noraiman also carved his name in the record books as the country’s youngest participant to secure a podium finish in the sport after clocking with the time of 1:27:17s in the Super Age Group 18-24 Years category.


He trailed behind Syrian winner Abdulrahman Almonajed who recorded a time of 1:15:44 and silver medallist Fayez Alkuzbari who posted a time of 1:26:28.

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-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin