In the Courts (2024): Theft, damage to bridge railings: Four local men get jail, whipping (23.05.2024)
 Posted on : May 25, 2024, 10:56AM   38 total views  Category : Local News

The Magistrate’s Court recently handed jail sentences with whipping to four local men convicted of theft of metal railings from two bridges and damaging them, following a trial.


Mohammad Royzeualif bin Mohammad Roydezuan received 36 months’ imprisonment with two whippings, while Muhammad Abdul Raziq bin Mohammad Roydezuan, Muhammad Rifa’ie bin Sable and Zainulariffin bin Japari got 18 months’ imprisonment with two whippings.


Magistrate Syaffina binti Shahif found the defendants guilty of stealing five metal railings from the Sungai Tutong Bridge and four from the Telamba Tutong Bridge.

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-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin