Mosque holds open day to mark anniversary
 Posted on : Oct 13, 2024, 10:25AM   4 total views  Category : Local News
Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Health Haji Maswadi bin Haji Mohsin at the event. PHOTO: AZLAN OTHMAN

Suri Seri Begawan Raja Pengiran Anak Damit Mosque is holding a two-day open day at its premises in Kampong Manggis/Madang to commemorate its 10th anniversary.

Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Health Haji Maswadi bin Haji Mohsin, the guest of honour, officiated the event yesterday.

The open day aims to showcase the beauty of Islam and highlight the mosque’s role, not only as a place of worship but also in fostering community ties among village residents and congregants.

A walkathon will be held today alongside various activities such as archery, a health roadshow, a blood donation campaign, and an Al-Bayaan ceremony featuring Ratib Al-Attas.

Religious talks and a selawat session in praise of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) have also been scheduled for today. – Azlan Othman

-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin