Convenience store franchise opens two new branches (20.05.2022)
 Posted on : May 21, 2022, 11:04AM   16 total views  Category : Local News

BY Azlan Othman

Ghanim International Corporation Sdn Bhd (Ghanim) launched the fourth and fifth The Junction outlets in Kiarong Complex and Gadong Central, Menglait yesterday, following the previous launch of the Armada Tungku branch in April 2021.


The convenience store franchise is a retail entrepreneurship programme, a government initiative to encourage local participation within the retail sector managed by Ghanim, under the supervision of the Ministry of Finance and Economy.


Ghanim Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr Nur Rahman, Senior Manager for Business Strategy and Development Fatin binti Arifin, The Junction operators Sia Jia Wei, Mohammad Herman Ardini bin Abdullah Garisu, Ariyaazmi bin Ibrahim and Haji Mohammad Azim Rafiuddin bin Abdullah attended the launch.


“We have received a significant number of applications for the entrepreneurship programme and as business is returning back to normal, we are working to open more stores.


“As the programme company, our role is to assist operators with set-up, supply of goods from various suppliers and provide training support while operators focus on managing the store.


“As we add more outlets, we hope to provide opportunities for local micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and One Village, One Product (1K1P) to launch products, test the market and undertake promotional activities at the convenience stores.”


The retail entrepreneurship programme hopes to educate youth to open, operate and expand a convenience store with a guided franchise system, aimed at creating job opportunities as skilled retail professionals.


-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin