Water disruptions expected to persist (30.06.2022)
 Posted on : Jul 1, 2022, 10:04AM   143 total views  Category : Local News

BY Rokiah Mahmud

Several residences in Brunei-Muara and Tutong districts will continue to experience water disruption due to ongoing replacement works for a discharge valve at Layong Water Treatment Plant, said the Public Works Department (JKR)


In Brunei-Muara District, the areas that are affected include Mukim Berakas ‘A’ and ‘B’, Mukim Gadong ‘B’, Mukim Kilanas and Mukim Sengkurong.


Meanwhile, all areas in Tutong District are affected including Mukim Keriam, Mukim Kiudang, Mukim Lamunin, Mukim Pekan Tutong, Mukim Rambai, Mukim Tanjong Maya, Mukim Telisai and Mukim Ukong.


The department has provided temporary water supply using the blue water tank allocated at Mohamed Bolkiah Mosque at Serusop and the Pulaie Muslim Cemetery parking area.


The department advised the public to practise prudence in consuming water. The public can also call Darussalam Line 123 for clean water supply via a tanker.


-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin